Living Latina is a series telling the stories of amazing Latinas that are in our life. They are models for Cadena, friends of Cadena and overall women we greatly admire.
We met Rosa through a photography session where she modeled products from various vendors who are part of the Collective. Then we started following her through her social media platforms and quickly got to know more about her and her many talents. Her model skills are exceptional and the way she opens up and shows her vulnerability is inspiring. Get to know more about this dynamic Honduran-Mexican mujer in our Q&A below.
1. Tell us about yourself, where you’re from, where you grew up.
My full name is Rosa Moran but I usually go by Rosey by my loved ones. I live in Dallas,Texas and I have been living here since 2011. I am originally from Rocky Mount, North Carolina where I was born and raised. Although I represent Dallas, Rocky Mount holds a special place in my heart and is a place I will never forget. I spent my childhood in Rocky Mount and a lot of my creative energy began in that small town. There wasn’t much to do living in a small town so I had no other choice but to get in touch with my creative energy. Luckily Dallas was just the fuel and platform I needed to express myself creatively and authentically. There is so much talent and beauty in Dallas, it's hard to not get inspired by everyone who's creative here.
I am a proud daughter of two immigrants who both migrated to the United States in the 90s. My mother is from Honduras and my father is from Mexico. They are both significant individuals in my life and they inspire me so much to chase my dreams and to never give up. Despite the difficulties and hardships they have faced, they have given my sister and I such a beautiful life and memories that I will hold in my heart forever. I have an older sister named Gladys who I owe a lot of my creativity to. As a child, she opened me to the world of fashion, beauty, and music from the early 2000s which I adore to this day. She was definitely my muse back then and still is today. A lot of my family members are my muses in a variety of ways and they don’t even know that.
2.You’re very open about your mental health and struggles on social media. Why are you intentionally open about sharing what you’re going through?
I share what I go through because vulnerability is one of my favorite love languages. There is so much beauty in being vulnerable with others, even strangers. I just want others to know like “hey, you’re not alone in this, I too feel this way at times”. I may come off as “too much” or “oversharing”, but if I can make at least one person feel like they’re not alone then I am okay with that. It's a topic that hits close to home as well, I have seen my mother struggle with her mental health and I personally have struggled throughout the years. But watching her mental health journey and having gone through my own journey myself has opened my heart to being vulnerable to others including myself. I have learned that suffering and pain is a part of the human experience that is inevitable. But being vulnerable with your own personal suffering to help others, is a beautiful thing for your own personal healing and the healing of others.
3. On days that are really difficult, what keeps you motivated?
The thing that keeps me most motivated when days are difficult is the idea that I haven’t even lived some of my best days yet. Beautiful days are promised just as much as horrible days. I know that although I have to face storms, I will also face sunny warm days. I think of the future and everything I have yet to experience like marriage, creating a family of my own, nurturing and caring for my parents, growing within my passions and career, etc. The fact that I have so much more to discover and feel within this life keeps me optimistic for the future. There’s so many other versions of myself I have yet to be. So many memories that are waiting to be made.
There is so much beauty in being vulnerable with others, even strangers. I just want others to know like “hey, you’re not alone in this, I too feel this way at times”.
4. You are a gorgeous model with a fierce look. What do you want your images and modeling to say about you?
Ultimately I want my images to display self-confidence and self-love and being in touch with one's feminine side. I’d love to inspire others to find beauty within themselves and never be afraid to show off their beauty no matter what shape, color, or size they are. Confidence is the best thing you could ever wear!
5. What pressures do you feel as an up and coming model?
The most pressure I feel as an up and coming model is some of the unrealistic beauty standards that come along with being a part of the modeling industry whether that be my height, facial structure, body type, etc. It can be quite discouraging, especially being a petite model like myself who only stands at 5’2. I have been rejected and have been told a flat out “No, sorry we are looking for someone 5’7 or higher” multiple times. It can get quite discouraging but it also fuels motivation for me to help pave the way for shorter women like myself to be able to pursue modeling. What I lack in height, I make up in my own passion for modeling. I know I’ll never be a supermodel who stands at 5’11 but I know that I’ll always have this fiery passion in me to pursue my dreams in modeling.
6. What is next for you and how can we support and champion you?
My plans for the future are to continue to be creative wherever life takes me. That is my ultimate goal, to always be in touch with my creative side and never stop showing it and sharing it with the world. It's what keeps me grounded.
The best way to support me is just by doing the simplistic act of sharing my work with others. I have received so many opportunities just by word of mouth and or having others share my work around social media and for that I am very thankful.
Rosa, where can we keep up with you?
Instagram: @roseypears
Twitter: @roseypears
TikTok: @roseypears