Cadena Collective

Mabel Aguirre

This Veterans Day...

I read somewhere that women are the most visible servicemembers and the most invisible veterans. I joined the military in 2008 and closed that chapter ten years later. And I have to be honest with you; it wasn't an easy transition. In the military, we constantly get reminded we are the 1% who chose to serve, and I always wondered, of that 1% who are Latinas, and who among them are first-gen? When I joined, it was like assimilating all over again while holding on to unresolved trauma and then piling on more of it while trying to function. Since...

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Alejandra Aguirre

You're Worth It ✨

We know what you might be thinking… "I can’t afford that beautiful item right now." And that’s okay. I remember when I bought my first hand embroidered textile tablecloth in Mexico and how much of a splurge it was. I had just quit my job and spending my savings on a tablecloth for a table I did not have seemed ridiculous. And it was, a little. But sometimes in life you have to give in a little. If you’re anything like my sister and I, you grew up in a working class home. There was always food on the table but never over...

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Ashley Rivera Mercado

How Does Latin America View Death?

For many Latines, death is just as much a part of life as living is. For us, death exists to remind us to celebrate every moment we have alive - to be thankful for the days we’re given and fill them with as much joy and meaning as possible. 

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Alejandra Aguirre

Meet EGR: Where Artisanal Meets Urban

Working with EGR is a new adventure for us at Cadena and we have taken this step to further reimagine what Mexican fashion looks like. The days of painting Mexican fashion as cheap, exploitative and low quality are over. We are excited to welcome a talented designer, especially one that merges the artisanal details of handmade with the urban designs of everyday fashion.

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