We were excited to work on a Dia de los Muertos campaign that showcased the in-between of two worlds, our Mexican-American identity and the experience of feeling ni de aqui, ni de alla. When it came down to considering different models that would showcase this campaign we thought of Sasha after mutually following each other on Instagram for sometime. Her lightheartedness and kind demeanor always drew us into her posts and stories and we knew she would be perfect! The photoshoot for the campaign turned out to be more than perfect, we created magic. We wanted to get to know Sasha beyond her Instagram...
We met Rosa through a photography session where she modeled products from various vendors who are part of the Collective. Then we started following her through her social media platforms and quickly got to know more about her and her many talents. Her model skills are exceptional and the way she opens up and shows her vulnerability is inspiring. Get to know more about this dynamic Honduran-Mexican mujer in our Q&A below.
When we arrived to the United States, we merged two worlds to create our own bicultural experience and became third culture kids - ni de aqui, ni de alla. This is personal. We are products of the risk our parents took to create a new life in an unknown country. We understand that migration is beautiful because it means so much to so many - just like us.
How Cadena Collective has built its business model on stakeholder alignment A question is looming in modern business: How does one create a business which remains committed to generating a positive social impact while achieving financial success? It starts with a secret sauce in how we build the business model. This answer came to me a few months ago while reading a Medium article written by Dustin Mix, Co-Founder of INVANTI. INVANTI is a start-up studio based out of South Bend, which uses entrepreneurship as an avenue to create scalable solutions to pressing problems in our country. Co-Founders Dustin Mix...